Our Partners

We collaborate with a network of highly experienced and skilled leadership development companies and facilitators.

Each partner is carefully selected based on their expertise, values, and commitment to our mission. They share our belief in the power of transformative leadership and team growth, and they are dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of our clients.

We are proud of our team and partners, and we are confident that together, we can help you and your organization achieve your leadership, team, and organizational development goals.

We provide workshops in various languages, such as English, Swedish, Norwegian, German, French, Arabic, Dutch, Spanish, Turkish, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Afrikaans.



Co-Active® Training Institute

CTI’s proprietary Co-Active® model has been named “the gold standard of coach training” by the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, a Harvard affiliate.

These essential skills are currently used by more than half of all Fortune 500 companies.

We are one of the few organizations licensed to lead Co-Active® programs, these offerings help train Executives, Managers & Internal Coaches to use the power of coaching as a high-return investment for unlocking intrinsic human potential inside their organization. 

The Co-Active Training Institute has trained over 130,000 leaders worldwide and believes everyone is continually moving on a journey of transformation. Founded as the Coaches Training Institute, for over 30 years, CTI has used the paradigm of coach training to support humanity on that journey.

Available Courses:

  • Co-Active Virtual Skills Workshop​

  • Fundamentals of Co-Active Coaching​

  • Co-Active Skills for Business Leaders​

  • Relationship Agility

  • Co-Active Leadership Experience

  • Standard Internal Co-Active Coach Training

  • Accelerated Internal Co-Active Coach Training (AICC)

Our Partners


Our Partners -

Sam Allen

CPCC | ORSC | PCC | Positive Intelligence

Fierce Leadership Poet

Igniting Inner Flames | Whirling Through Barriers | Revealing Your Core Essence

Be set alight with purpose. Discover, burn, emerge.

Sam is a Fierce Leadership Poet with a passion for igniting inner flames. With over two decades of experience spanning coaching, education, and leadership, Sam's approach is transformative, intuitive, and deeply authentic. Whether through her coaching sessions, workshops, or poetic expressions, Sam's mission is to set souls alight with purpose, guiding them to discover, burn, and emerge as the best versions of themselves.

A force of nature in the realm of leadership coaching. With Sam, it's not just about guidance; it's a PASSIONATELY CREATIVE  journey. Working with her feels like an inner conflagration, burning away the superfluous, leaving you with the pure essence of yourself.

A Creative Leadership Coach, Published Author, and Trainer, Sam boasts a rich tapestry of experiences, having coached luminaries in the Creative, Manufacturing, and Pharmaceutical sectors. Her academic pursuits, including a BA in French and Drama and a PGCE in Modern Foreign Languages, further enrich her diverse background.
Sam's prowess lies in her ability to help individuals and teams transcend limiting beliefs, fostering out-of-the-box thinking and conscious, dynamic leadership. Her passion for authenticity shines through, designing bespoke Conscious Leadership programs that allow individuals to truly maximize their potential.

Available Courses:

  • Conscious Leadership programmes:

    Focusing on global organizations wishing to create opportunities for women employees to step forward as their confident selves and truly maximize their potential.

  • Happy Teams workshops:

    For teams wishing to connect to their strengths and vision and to create more trust, motivation, and innovation.

Tove M. Fjellvang Lie

CPCC | ORSC | PCC | Positive Intelligence | MBTI ( Myers Briggs)| Core Quadrant | DNV Certified

Leader at Bevisste Valg AS

Champion of Diversity | Voice for Inclusion

Golden Dragon's Roar, Braveheart's Compassion: Championing Diversity, One Voice at a Time.

Tove M. Fjellvang Lie, the heart and soul behind BEVISSTE VALG AS, has always been a trailblazer. From her early days understanding the nuances of customer service to her current role as a champion for diversity and inclusion, Tove's journey is nothing short of inspirational.

Her book, a heartfelt tribute to her daughter with Down syndrome, showcases her advocacy for those often overlooked. With a history rich in leadership, sales, coaching, and consulting, Tove's true strength lies in her ability to address and inspire large groups, always advocating for diversity and inclusion. As a Golden Dragon with a Braveheart, she's fearless in her pursuit of authentic leadership, making her a force to be reckoned with in the coaching industry.

Tove M. Fjellvang Lie is a Golden Dragon with a Braveheart. Fierce in her advocacy for diversity and inclusion and passionate about empowering others, Tove's essence is one of strength, compassion, and unwavering commitment.

Tove M. Fjellvang Lie stands out not just for her professional expertise but for her heart. With a unique ability to address and inspire large groups, a deep commitment to diversity and inclusion, and a personal journey that resonates with many, Tove is truly a Golden Dragon with a Braveheart in the world of coaching and leadership.

Available Courses:

  • Inclusion, Diversity, and Belonging

These workshops focus on how inclusion, diversity, and a sense of belonging strongly influence the behavior and interactions of leaders and teams.

They aim to create awareness and openness regarding self-managing prejudice and understanding how prejudice impacts leadership and relationships, both in the workplace and in life. This is a perfect lab. for exploring diversity and prejudices both in yourself and in the team.

Migena Gjerazi

CPCC | PCC | MBA | Positive Intelligence | Life Transformation Architect

Queen of Facilitation | Slayer of Imposter Syndrome | Champion of Empowerment

Transforming Lives, Facilitating Dreams, Conquering Doubts.

Migena Gjerazi is not just a coach; she's a beacon of empowerment. With credentials like MBA, CPCC, PCC, and a career spanning over 20 years in HR and Finance, Migena has carved a niche in the coaching world. Based in Copenhagen, she's an award-winning coach, a TEDx speaker, and a celebrated entrepreneur in her native Albania.

Her journey includes leading coaching & leadership programs for prestigious organizations like UN agencies, Amazon, and Mars. Migena's magic lies in supporting her clients to shine, inspire, and create empowering change. She's the queen of facilitation and the slayer of imposter syndrome, standing firm in the belief that everyone deserves to be seen, heard, and empowered.

Her strength lies in her dual expertise of corporate background and a deep understanding of personal growth. This combination allows her to bridge the gap between professional challenges and personal aspirations, making her coaching sessions transformative.

Migena's sessions are not just about coaching; they are experiences. She has an innate ability to facilitate discussions, making every individual feel seen, heard, and valued. Her sessions are interactive, engaging, and profoundly transformative.

She has the ability to help individuals overcome imposter syndrome. She empowers her clients to recognize their worth, embrace their achievements, and step into their power confidently.

Available Courses:

  • Conscious Leadership programmes:

    Focusing on global organizations wishing to create opportunities for their women employees to step forward as their confident selves and truly maximize their potential.

Martina Gobec

CPCC | ORSC | ACC | MHFAider® | Positive Intelligence

Strategic Designer & Leadership Coach

Digital Innovation Expert | Team Dynamics & Culture Enthusiast | Coaching for Change

Designing Tomorrow's Leaders Today.

Martina embodies the spirit of transformative leadership. Through her custom-made feedback workshops, she endeavours to reshape team cultures, emphasizing psychological safety, trust, and collective growth. Her approach is holistic, combining theory with hands-on practice, ensuring teams not only learn but internalize and implement feedback principles.

With a background in strategic design, leadership, and coaching, Martina Gobec has spent two decades in the innovation, creative, and tech sectors. Her roles have varied from designer to strategist and design director. Martina's commitment to education is evident in her advisory roles at institutions like Hyper Island and Malmö University. As a coach, she's certified by the Co-Active Training Institute and is undergoing ORSC certification.

Available Courses:

  • Custom-Made Feedback Workshops: Fostering Personal Growth and Cultivating Healthy Team Cultures

    Feedback workshops are not just sessions; they are transformative experiences. Drawing from a rich tapestry of methodologies, Martina ensures each workshop is tailored to the team's unique needs.

Vivian Leung

CPCC | ACC | MSC | LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® | MHFAider® | ICAgile | Scrum Master

Innovation Catalyst & Playful Leadership Alchemist

Igniting Inner Innovators | Empowering Through Play | Driving SERIOUSLY PLAYFUL Transformations

Unleash Play- Ignite Innovation.

Vivian Leung is a vibrant Leadership Innovation Catalyst, blending her expertise in facilitating serious play through LEGO® bricks with a passion for creativity and collaboration.

With a decade of diverse roles in IT and financial sectors and a rich coaching background, Vivian aspires to unlock and maximize individual and team potential. Her approach is holistic, focusing on authentic growth, conscious leadership, and transformative behavioral shifts.

Engage with Vivian and experience the transformative potential of play. 
Vivian isn't just any leadership coach; she's a game-changer, literally. With a strong belief in the power of “thinking with your hands”, Vivian brings her brilliant mind and youthful spirit to the table, reshaping the way we perceive and experience play.

Embracing open and inclusive dialogues through serious play, she’s the spark that ignites our creative confidence, unveils fresh perspectives, and connects us to the innate playfulness we all possess.

Over a decade in the professional realm, Vivian has donned multiple hats, leading teams across digital transformation, management consulting, proposition development, and strategic partnerships, predominantly in the IT and financial sectors.

Available Courses:


    As a proponent of adaptive leadership, Vivian facilitates Design Thinking training, fosters cross-team collaborations and team building through playful engagement.

Signe Lindi

CPCC | ORSC | PCC | Positive Intelligence  | ACE Master Management Norge AS | Core Quadrant | MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Certified

Sami Leadership Luminary

Embracing Diversity | Championing Compassion | Golden Dragon's Heartbeat

Unlocking Potential with a Sami Touch: Inspiring Change, Celebrating Diversity.

Meet Signe Lindi - a beacon of passion, understanding, and compassion. With her roots deeply embedded in the Sami culture, Signe brings a unique perspective on diversity, inclusion, and belonging. As a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and a DNV-certified recruiter, she's on a mission to inspire and make a difference.

With years of experience as a leader, seller, coach, and consultant, she has been instrumental in the development and recruitment of leaders and specialists across a wide spectrum of industries.

Growing up in inner Finnmark, nature was her playground, and outdoor life was an integral part of her existence. Her life's journey has been about balancing her Sami and Norwegian identities, leading her to help others rediscover themselves. A lover of competitions, high mountains, and challenges, Signe is relentless.

Her extensive experience as a middle manager and her work in change and operational line management across projects, customer service, transport, and logistics make her an invaluable asset.

Signe is passionate about challenging established norms and pushing individuals to dare to chase their dreams. Through curiosity and openness, she inspires and trains individuals to take steps towards a better and more balanced life.

Signe Lindi embodies the spirit of resilience, passion, and transformation. Her Sami heritage and experiences have shaped her into a compassionate leader, always eager to challenge the status quo and inspire change.

Available Courses:

  • Inclusion, Diversity, and Belonging

These workshops focus on how inclusion, diversity, and a sense of belonging strongly influence the behavior and interactions of leaders and teams.

They aim to create awareness and openness regarding self-managing prejudice and understanding how prejudice impacts leadership and relationships, both in the workplace and in life. This is a perfect lab. for exploring diversity and prejudices both in yourself and in the team.

Natia Mikhanashvili

CPCC | ORSC | ACC | NLP | Chartered Member CIPD | HAY Job Evaluator

Empathetic Change Maker | Global HR Partner | Transformational Coach

Empower, Equip, Elevate: Command the Unstoppable Within

Meet Natia Mikhanashvili, a catalyst for change in the corporate world. Energetic, passionate, and no-nonsense, Natia is the driving force your company needs to overcome challenges and innovate. With Natia on your team, you can be confident that you're on the path to success. 

Tbilisi-born and Berlin-based, Natia brings a wealth of experience and education to her coaching practice. With an MBA in International Business and Management and a double MA with honours, her insights into the modern global business environment are unparalleled.

Natia is more than just a coach; she's a strategic partner in your company's growth. Her clients often speak of the transformative experiences they've had under her guidance.

She aims to unlock your organization's untapped potential. Her coaching style blends technical expertise with a keen understanding of human dynamics, making her a perfect fit for companies eager to innovate and grow.

Available Courses:

  • The First 100 Days

    This is carefully crafted to support top-performing employees transitioning into their first leadership positions. This initiative underscores her dedication to fostering emerging leaders and helping them succeed. 

Dr. Andreja Wirz

CPCC | ACC | Ph.D. | Organizational Psychologist | Leadership Coach

Rocking Self-Leadership | Empowering Minds | Elevating Potential

Rocking Resilience, Unlocking Leadership: Dive Deep, Rise High.

Dr. Andreja Wirz, a Ph.D. in work and organizational psychology, has carved a niche for herself in the realm of leadership coaching. With a foundation rooted in academia, she transitioned from research to coaching, driven by her innate desire to connect with and empower people.

While she continues to impart knowledge as a lecturer at the University of Zurich, her true calling lies in one-on-one deep dives with clients, tapping into the subconscious to instigate transformative change. Andreja's approach is both analytical and holistic, drawing from her broad psychological knowledge and rich experiences in life and work. From overcoming personal challenges to finding solace in music and nature, she embodies resilience and self-leadership.

As a consultant, facilitator, and coach, Andreja is on a mission to elevate potential, foster confidence, and inspire authentic leadership.

Analytical and intuitive Rockstar Coach - Merging structured thought with a rebellious spirit to unlock true potential.

Dr Andreja Wirz is not just a leadership coach but also a mother of three, and a lover of alternative rock. Her journey has seen her transition from a research-focused psychologist to a hands-on coach and facilitator. With a Ph.D. in work and organizational psychology, Andreja has a deep understanding of the human mind and its potential. She knows that everyone can shift their mind, handle challenges confidently, and achieve success without burning out.

Available Courses:

  • Resilience :

    A Workshop for employees at all levels to strengthen their resilience.

  • Happy Teams workshops:

    For teams wishing to connect to their strengths and vision and to create more trust, motivation, and innovation.