Transforming Organisations Through Exceptional Leadership

At Better Leaders, we envision a world where everyone is a leader and where businesses thrive on the collective strengths and visions of their people.

Impact of leadership development

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, leaders face challenges that demand innovative solutions. Better Leaders provides the answer with evidence-backed, research-driven personal development services. We help enhance productivity, foster employee engagement, and sharpen leadership skills. The impact seeps through all levels of the organisation and its clients, who will see and feel the difference.


Ignite Your Leadership Potential with Better Leaders – Be Better, Make Others Better.

Better Leaders offers a unique and personalized suite of services. From focusing on key development areas like emotional intelligence and strategic thinking to offering resources that foster work-life balance and continuous learning, our programs are designed to meet your needs and challenges.

Our Unique Approach

Working with us is a journey of growth, transformation, and success. We offer a personalized experience that focuses on your unique needs and objectives. We utilize a method that blends years of coaching expertise with an evidence-based approach to deliver results that are not just temporary but sustainable.

Here's our step-by-step process:

  • Our journey begins with a conversation. We want to understand your vision, your challenges, and your aspirations. Partnering with you to explore your needs and the areas you wish to focus on. This stage helps us to gain an in-depth understanding of your team's dynamics and define the scope of our partnership.

  • This conversation and process of observation are designed to delve deeper into the nuances of your team. We use one-on-one interviews, and observations to understand your team's dynamics, strengths, and areas for growth. This phase allows us to develop a clear picture of your current state and the gaps that need to be addressed.

  • With a clear understanding of your team's present dynamics and future aspirations, we collaboratively define SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals. These goals will guide our journey, providing clear and tangible objectives to work towards.

  • Armed with insights and goals, we design a unique strategy for your team. Workshops form the core of this phase, where we engage with your team through workshops, group discussions, activities, and exercises designed to foster better communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution. We develop an action plan, identify supports and resources, discuss strategies and help you implement them to maintain progress and face future challenges successfully.

    We also engage with the leadership team, creating a strategy for growth according to the insights and goals we received.

  • We provide individual and team coaching sessions, this additional layer ensures that no stone is left unturned regarding your team's growth. We develop an action plan, identify supports and resources, discuss strategies and help you implement them to maintain progress and face future challenges successfully.

  • Progress is pivotal to us. We conduct regular reviews to gauge progress toward the goals. These reviews also allow us to recalibrate our approach based on the team's feedback and evolving needs.

  • As part of our partnership in ensuring that the transformation your team undergoes becomes a part of your organizational DNA, we develop an action plan, identify supports and resources, discuss strategies, and help you implement them to maintain progress and face future challenges successfully.

  • We are embarking on a journey together. We believe in open and constant communication and encourage you to share any queries, thoughts, or concerns at any time. This creates a new beginning - a launchpad for your team's continued success. Throughout this process, you can contact us via email or phone.

    Your feedback and satisfaction remain our highest priority.

Developing influential leaders can bring numerous benefits to both individuals and companies.

We take a comprehensive leadership and team development approach, encompassing essential areas.

Read more about the benefits to Individuals and companies Here.

Create your own better leaders bespoke Leadership blend

About Us

Elisabeth Olger

CPCC | MCC | Positive Intelligence | Executive Coach | Facilitator

Seek Your Truth, Illuminate Your Path.

Elisabeth is a dynamic and accomplished professional lauded for her transformative coaching skills and business acumen. Her intuitive coaching approach cultivates profound self-growth in clients, while her resilient leadership translates ideas into realities.

Advocating for societal and individual well-being, Elisabeth's impactful work leaves a lasting legacy.

Johanna Lundgren

CPCC | ORSC | PCC | Positive Intelligence | Executive Coach | Facilitator

Beyond Challenges, Through Connection, Vision in Leadership

Johanna is a transformative life coach and exceptional leader dedicated to fostering personal growth and driving positive change. Her profound insights, empathetic approach, and dynamic leadership inspire individuals to confront challenges, tap into their strengths, and realise their goals.

Johanna is a lifelong learner who constantly refines her techniques, empowering clients to unlock their potential and live fulfilling successful lives.

“I think that organizations have been waking up for some time now to the fact that leadership isn't just transactional. It's not just about getting people to do something; it's really relational. Yet many people in relationship roles inside organizations don't really have the training or the support to establish those dynamic, productive, and empowering relationships.”

Karen Kimsey-House

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Are you ready to transform your organisation?

Take the first step towards a better leadership future today. Reach out to us and embark on your revolutionary leadership journey.